Location Scouting

Location 1- St Mary’s High School
This location is spacious and convenient for the cast members to get to as it is a location that everyone is familiar with. As it is a school, it is an extremely appropriate and ideal setting. When filming here I will be using the corridors and the car park. The lighting for these are extremely well lit; this helps to add to the flashback style of the bullying scenes and it also helps to contrast with the darker, more sinister shots when the spirit is present.

Location 2 – House
The majority of the film, and therefore the trailer, is going to take place in this house. This location is rather ideal as it is spacious and has a fireplace which is what is needed for one of the gore scenes. In addition, it also has the suitable space and facilities to create the prosthetics. It is in a suburban area which is easy to access via the train and easy enough for the cast to get to. The living room, bedroom and possibly the garden will be used for the opening scene with Lucy, the séance scene and any of the torture scenes.

Location 3 – Abandoned building

This was the building that I wanted to use initially as it would have been the location where the Ouija board would have been found and where the rest of the plot would have carried out. The setting itself looked extremely terrifying and unsettling which would help to add to the horror of the film. Each of the rooms looked rustic and dishevelled as the building was from the 1800’s. however, this location could not be used due to the fact that it was rather far away v(as it was in London) and it also needed to be hired out and the price was out of our budget (they required £1000).


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