Audience Targeting

Age demographic: 15-30 years old

Gender: May appeal more to females over males due to the fact that the majority of the cast are       women.

Why I have chosen this demographic: Horror films seem to appeal more to younger age groups as they still seek adventure and thrills, so horror films and being scared help to fuel an adrenaline rush that they so dearly desire. Teens may also enjoy the film more as they are of a similar age group to the actors so it may be easier to immerse themselves into the film and relate more to their fear. the common age rating for horrors is a 15 and on some occasions an 18 dependant on how much explicit content is involved.Obviously as my film is horror  it will appeal to those who are interested in films with high tension, plot twists and a sense of mystery, in addition to high levels of gore and jump scares. 


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