Actor Enquiries

Character Types:

Lucy - The Antagonist/ spirit:

  • Lucy is the antagonist of the film;she is the girl who is bullied at the start of the film, resulting in her suicide. She is then summoned through the ouija board by the bullies. She manages to attack and terrorise each of the bullies in order to make them confess to what they had done to her.
  • A diverse range of emotions will need to be shown within the actor's abilities. This character exhibits a variety of feelings from intense sadness to deep anger. They will also need to have a good range in their voice as they will need to whisper and bellow/shout/scream. This may not however be needed or included in the trailer.
  • Ideally, in order to better portray her bullying and how small she feels around the other characters, she should be shorter than the other cast members. This will then allow a variety of high and low angle shots between her and the bullies to exude how insignificant she feels. As the spirit however, it may be better suited to have her situated higher than the others to show a role reversal between the characters.
  • Age Required - 17 (approximately). She could look older or younger but needs to be of a high school or college age due to the school bullying setting.
Bullies - Between 3 and 5 characters needed:
  • They begin as the antagonists and then become the victims by the end of the film/trailer. They bully Lucy, resulting in triggering her suicide. Each of these characters will be tortured in one way or another leading to possibly one or two of them left towards the end of the film. They will eventually confess and admit to what they had done to her and why they had bullied her.
  • Each member needs to be able to act mean as they are bullying Lucy at the start. however they will also need to be able to contrast and show fear and vulnerability as they will be facing the spirit. They will need to be able to scream and yell so they will need a good vocal range (however this may not be entirely necessary).
  • Similarly with Lucy's requirements, they will need to be taller then Lucy in order to show the power dynamic between these characters. This will allow the high and low angle shots as previously stated. 
  • They will need to not have any allergies to latex, gelatine, glycerine, different makeup types etc. This is due to the prosthetics and special effects makeup that will be used on some or all of them. This will be applied to their faces, necks and possibly arms.
  • Age Required - similar or the same as Lucy or they at least needs to look a high school/ college age.


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