
Showing posts from 2017


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? In comparison to the other media products I had looked at; websites, trailers and posters, my media product manages to both conform and subvert the conventions used within each media product one convention which I had decided to use and develop was the use of motifs and themes among each product which was able to link and integrate them. For my product, I had decided to use Ouija boards and glitches throughout my poster, website and film trailer. On my poster, the image was distorted and manipulated in order to make it look like it was experiencing a glitch, which links to the cyber bullying aspect, relating to the antagonist’s death. This effect was achieved by following a tutorial I had found where different layers were inverted, had different hues and saturation, and different effects were used on each layer to give them a grainy and speckled look. In addition to the gli

Main Titles Typography

This was made by adapting a font to make it look like the ouija board calligraphy.

Mise en Scene Considerations

Props: Ouija board – this was a prop that needed to be made rather than bought. This was due to superstitions surrounding Ouija boards in general and the actors did not feel comfortable using a real, authentic Ouija board. Making the board required a level of skill with calligraphy due to the varying fonts needed for the board. There also needed to be some knowledge with the wood cutting and drilling machines to create the planchette. This prop will be a key focal point for the trailer as it is what the teens use to communicate with Lucy’s spirit. Candles – This is both a prop and a contributing factor to the lighting. These candles are going to be used for the séance scenes involving the Ouija board. They will be creating a dark and unsettling atmosphere. Some will look distorted and melted to add to the distortion of the supernatural interacting with humans and how their lives are going to drastically change. Setting: There are several locations that are being consid

Location Scouting

Location 1- St Mary’s High School This location is spacious and convenient for the cast members to get to as it is a location that everyone is familiar with. As it is a school, it is an extremely appropriate and ideal setting. When filming here I will be using the corridors and the car park. The lighting for these are extremely well lit; this helps to add to the flashback style of the bullying scenes and it also helps to contrast with the darker, more sinister shots when the spirit is present. Location 2 – House The majority of the film, and therefore the trailer, is going to take place in this house. This location is rather ideal as it is spacious and has a fireplace which is what is needed for one of the gore scenes. In addition, it also has the suitable space and facilities to create the prosthetics. It is in a suburban area which is easy to access via the train and easy enough for the cast to get to. The living room, bedroom and possibly the garden will be used for the ope



Synopsis (Treatment)

Synopsis/ treatment Working title:                                                                                                                                                                       Confess Duration:                                                                                                                                                                                2 minutes Target audience:                15-30 year olds – non gender specific. This is shown from the results of my questionnaire. I will also be making the BBFC rating of the film a 15. Outline:                                    A teen, Lucy, has had a miserable high school life, being relentlessly targeted by bullies who physically, mentally and cyberbullied her, and one eventing she can no longer cope with the ill-nature of her situation and takes her life. These bullies finally begin to see the cause of their actions but vow to never tell anybody they were the reasoning for her s