How to: Scripts
Before i begin to construct my own script, i need to know what aspects are needed within a script in order to make my own as authentic as possible.
Fade In
(editing directions) - This should be the first item on the first page.
Heading - A one line description of the location and time of day of a scene
(e.g. Ext (exterior)- Trash Heap - Day or Int (interior) Hospital Room - Day),
it should always be in caps (this is also known as a 'slugline').
Action - The
narrative directions of the events of a scene (e.g. Lily runs quickly through
the forest).
there will be an in depth description of the location and setting in order to
establish the narrative from the very first line of dialogue in the script.
This will usually be a short paragraph giving some background information to
what is happening in the scene.
Transition –
This could include some specific editorial instructions that would be featured
in the film and needed for the post-production of the film.
First Appearance - A description of the character, their name should be
CAPITALISED (e.g. the door opens and in walks in LILY, a twenty-something
woman, escaping from something).
Character -
A character's name always appears above their dialogue.
Dialogue - Lines
of speech for the character.
Stage Directions
- Should be placed before the dialogue to give the actors an idea of how to
deliver their lines.
Example of a
script that i have looked at and annotated:
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