Audience Questionnaire: Film Genres



January 12, 2017

Read each question carefully and circle each of the answers that apply, only circle one option unless stated otherwise.

1.    Do you like watching horror films?
a.    Yes
b.    No

2.    If yes, what are your favourite horror films? (state 3 maximum)
a.    ___________________________________________________
b.    ___________________________________________________
c.     ___________________________________________________

3.    What sub genres of horror appeal to you most? (circle all that apply)
a.    Slasher
b.    Paranormal/Supernatural
c.     Found Footage
d.    Psychological
e.    Gore
f.     Comedy

4.    What do you dislike about horror films?
a.    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5.    What do you like about horror films?
a.    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6.    What settings do you think best suit a horror film? (circle all that apply)
a.    Forests
b.    Haunted house
c.     Abandoned house/building
d.    Countryside
e.    Regular/ordinary location (i.e. a city apartment)
f.     Asylum
g.    Hotel

7.    What do you think are the most applicable characters for a horror (for both victims and antagonists)? (circle all that apply)
a.    Children
b.    Teens
c.     Adults
d.    Ghosts
e.    Dolls

f.     Demons


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