Media Techniques - Mise-en-Scene


Mis-En-Scene - the arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play or the surroundings of an event. in the film industry, this includes things such as: the location, set design,costume, make-up and props. Lighting and colour design is often a large factor to take into consideration with this.

Production design - the overall look of a film that illustrates the setting and visual style of the story. this includes the design of the sets, location choices and the choice and supervision of props.

Costume, hair and make-up - this can be an instant indicator to us about a characters personality, status or job. They can immediately indicate the location or place in society and they can signify a lot of meaning or internal thoughts about the character.

Props - proper are objects on set that are small or light enough to be carried around by the actors. These are distinct from larger pieces or furniture or decor which merely form the background of the set of the set. They can have particular significance or be important focal points of the film.

Lighting - this plays an important part in creating the atmosphere in film. the amount of light and the direction of the light source can give meaning to the viewer of the film. For example, light is used to indicate the time of day. Key lighting is usually directed onto the main character. Fill lighting can be added to soften the effects of shadows.Back lighting is used to create a silhouette. The character can be made to look mysterious due to the effect of the shadows. It can create a sense of impending doom and it is often used in horror movies or thrillers.

Colour design - colour is one of the most important things to have in a scene because it can make it look completely different. The colour can be symbolic or suggestive. The colour differences can be used to suggest brightness or other factors. These colours can evoke many emotions from the audience and it can make them think different things about the scene, the relationship between the characters and the mood of the film. Colour design isn't just used for films, it can also be used for marketing in order for people to want to buy their product due to the aesthetics of the packaging of it.


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