Course Overview

I will be following the OCR exam board to complete my A2 course. This is the specification from the OCR website:

The purpose of this unit is firstly to assess candidates’ ability to plan and construct media products using appropriate technical and creative skills (AO3); secondly to assess candidates’ application of knowledge and understanding in evaluating their own work, showing how meanings and responses are created (AO2); and finally to assess candidates’ ability to undertake, apply and present appropriate research (AO4). The unit requires candidates to engage with contemporary media technologies, giving them the opportunity to develop their own skills in these technologies. It also enables them to develop the skills of presentation that are required for further study at higher levels and in the workplace. 

Essentially I need to create a media text and two other ancillary texts, using a variety of media forms and techniques to create and develop them. This will allow me to present many different skills within my portfolio. There are several assessment objectives that I will need to meet such as using the correct skills creatively, use appropriate research and to use high evaluating skills. 

Out of the series of briefs provided, I have decided to create a promotion package for a new film which includes a film trailer alongside a magazine cover and a poster for the film.


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